5 Free and Simple Cyber Security Tips

With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, it’s vital to take proactive measures to protect private and critical information. So here are some free ways to help ensure you are safe online. Whether you are a business owner who wants to secure their network or just a person on their computer at home, these tips will help you!

  1. Password Security: The foundation of online security lies in strong passwords. Ensure that your passwords are unique, complex, and not easily guessable. Avoid using common words, personal information, or sequential numbers. Instead, opt for a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Consider using a reputable password manager to securely store your passwords and generate random, strong ones.
  2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Two-Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security to your accounts by requiring a second form of verification. This usually involves receiving a unique code via SMS, email, or a dedicated authentication app. Enable 2FA wherever it is offered, especially for your email, social media, and banking accounts. This simple step significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access even if your password gets compromised.
  3. Keep Software and Apps Up to Date: Software updates often include security patches that address vulnerabilities exploited by cybercriminals. Update your operating system, web browsers, antivirus software, and all other applications whenever updates are available to ensure you have the latest security enhancements. Enable automatic updates whenever possible to streamline the process and minimize the risk of forgetting.
  4. Avoid Public Wi-Fi and Use a VPN: Public Wi-Fi networks are notoriously insecure, making it easy for hackers to intercept your data. Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks whenever possible, especially for sensitive activities like online banking. If you must use public Wi-Fi, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN encrypts your internet connection, ensuring that your data remains secure and private. Security.Org lists free VPNs that are worth looking into: https://www.security.org/vpn/best/free/
  5. Leverage the Expertise of a Managed Service Provider (MSP): While these tips are all (mostly) free things you can do yourself, securing a business network often requires the help of professionals. At Meeting Tree Computer, we know that everyone hates to pay (more than necessary) for business solutions; this is why we offer a FREE, no-obligation network assessment to help make your network safe and secure without breaking the bank. 

Take the first step towards securing and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your digital world is protected. Call us at 845-237-2117. We’re here to help. 

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