Debunked: 5 Myths About Outsourced IT Support

Are you tired of dealing with IT issues on your own? Have you ever found yourself “asking” your computer to “just work, damn it”?

If your business is like many others, you probably have a go-to guy/gal on your team who handles your IT needs. You may even be fortunate enough to have an in-house IT team. But what happens when Johnny from accounting gets tired of working two jobs and is threatening to quit, your IT team is stretched too thin, or you need expertise they don’t have?

That’s where outsourced IT support can save the day (and your sanity).

Unfortunately, several common myths about outsourcing can make businesses hesitant to switch. So let’s dispel some common ones so you can decide what’s best for your business:


Myth #1: Outsourcing IT Support Is Expensive

Many businesses believe outsourcing IT support will be exponentially more expensive than hiring in-house, but this is not necessarily the case. The cost of outsourcing will depend on the size of your business, the scope of services you need, and your risk tolerance level. However, outsourcing can save you money in the long run by preventing unexpected downtime and costly repairs and lowering your overall expenses with regard to training, healthcare insurance, and other benefits.


Myth #2: It’s Difficult to Switch to an Outsourced Provider

Although it can take some time, the right IT partner will make switching to an outsourced IT provider reasonably seamless. First, your new provider will map out your current network infrastructure. Next, they will work with you to determine your needed services, what changes need to be made to implement the best possible strategy, and how best to transition your existing IT infrastructure to their platform.

A lot of this will happen overnight, so you don’t have to deal with (too much) downtime and frustration.


Myth #3: You’ll Lose Control Over Your IT Infrastructure

Outsourcing your IT support does not mean giving up control of your infrastructure. Instead, you are entrusting it to a team of experts who can provide around-the-clock monitoring and support. You’ll still have access to all your data and applications, even if you’re not managing them daily (which, let’s face it, can be a big chore off your plate).


Myth #4: Your Data Will Be Less Secure

This myth is simply not true. In fact, outsourced IT providers often have stricter security protocols in place than most businesses do. When selecting a provider, ask about their security measures and request references from other clients using their services.

Consider an alternative provider if they downplay security risks and compliance requirements. This is not acceptable in today’s hyper-connected world.


Myth #5: They Won’t Be Able to Handle Our Unique Needs

Outsourced IT providers are well-equipped to handle the unique needs of any business, no matter its size or industry. When selecting a provider, be sure to ask about their experience working with businesses like yours and request references from companies they’ve worked with in the past.

A supportive and experienced IT partner will tell you when they don’t think your company is the right fit for your team and your business. It’s in no one’s best interest if the relationship turns out to be less than stellar.


Meeting Tree Computer was established in 1999, and for more than 20 years, it has been our deeply rooted mission to be a partner in business. Our goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of our clients every day. Some of whom have been with us since the beginning.

We can be that partner in business for you as well.

However, do your research and select a reputable provider that best fits your business. Before you decide, download a copy of our recently published report, “6 Things To Consider Before Hiring Any IT Company“.

Even if you aren’t ready to make changes right now, this report will give you the information you need to make the most informed decision possible, so you end up working with someone who helps you solve your problems and accomplish what you want, in the time frame, manner, and budget that is right for you.

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