Phishing: One Click, and the Damage to Your Reputation is Done

Often appearing identical to legitimate correspondence, phishing emails are becoming increasingly more sophisticated: posing significant challenges for computer-based detection systems. While spam filters and security updates aim to mitigate risks, no method guarantees that a phishing email won’t slip through and land in your inbox.

Now, you might feel confident that you can identify a phishing email once it lands in your inbox, but even the most tech-savvy have shown prone to fall for these tricks. And unfortunately, it takes only one unfortunate click to wreak havoc on your organization. In an instant, a complete stranger can gain access to your entire network, leaving you vulnerable to a range of detrimental consequences on key business relationships, employees, revenue, and, most importantly, your company’s brand and reputation. 

Security Incidents are embarrassing…

Take, for example, the case of Equifax, the credit reporting bureau that became synonymous with “data breach” following its notorious incident. This event happened years ago, but I bet you still remember it. Unfortunately, data incidents often impact public perception and can take decades to fade from memory, causing repercussions to persist for years.

Another stark example: is the compromise of Facebook user data in 2018, when phishing-related damage caused the social media giant’s valuation to plummet by $36 billion. As a general rule, once an organization’s customers fall victim to a phishing attack, they become 42% less likely to engage in business with that organization.

And reputational damage doesn’t stop there. It can extend to partnerships with third-party vendors, who often become hesitant to associate with organizations known for having fallen victim to data breaches.

 Unfortunately, even the most sophisticated defenses can let scam emails slip through the cracks, making defending against phishing attacks a never-ending effort simply because they work. Attackers know that a well-crafted phishing email will eventually find someone willing to click on it, and ransomware attacks have raised the stakes. 

Luckily it’s not a total lost cause. 

A proper cyber assessment can show you where your vulnerabilities are and allow you to plug as many holes in your defense as possible. Your ultimate defense, though, lies with your people. With proper cybersecurity training and awareness , your employees will become human shields, transforming the potential “weakest link” into your most robust defense weapon.

Meeting Tree Computer offers comprehensive security training. We’d be happy to demonstrate our phishing simulation and cybersecurity training, so you can ensure your organization is prepared.

Contact us today at (845) 237-2117 or check out our employee training solutions to learn more about our services.

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